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Property value

Property Value Report

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Calculate your home value for free

Looking to quickly calculate the value of your home online with a free calculator tool? With our value check, you’ll get a free and non-binding insight into the estimated market value of a property within just 3 minutes. This way, you’ll know right away how much you could roughly ask for your house or what a realistic bid on your dream home would be!

What’s my house worth?

Whether you’re about to sell your house, curious about the valuation of your property, or want to know a realistic starting bid, we’re here to help. Or perhaps you’re wondering if you’ve built up equity or increased value? We’re happy to provide you with a free estimate of a good asking or bidding price.


What determines the property value?

The value of a house is determined based on its intrinsic value and market value. The intrinsic value indicates what the property is really worth and is determined based on its specifications and the living environment. Additionally, the property value also takes into account the demand and supply of such properties in the market. This involves the market value: what can you ask for your property in the current market?


Why calculate the property value?

When you’re looking to sell your property, it’s important to know its value. Although our free property value report is an estimate, it can be handy to know approximately how much you could get for your house when you want to sell it. Even if you’re planning to buy a property, calculating the property value using our tool can be wise. This way, you get a good idea of the property’s value and the amount you can get for a mortgage.


How is the property value calculated?

The valuation uses data from the municipality. With that information, our tool can estimate the property value for free. This is not an official appraisal but provides a clear picture. Therefore, you cannot apply for a mortgage with this. In our analysis, we look at the following:


  • Living area
  • Garden and plot area
  • Type of property
  • Volume
  • Number of rooms
  • Facilities in the kitchen and bathroom
  • Energy label
  • Insulation
  • Year of construction


Living environment

  • Facilities nearby (schools, shops, etc.)
  • Greenery
  • Neighborhood composition
  • Traffic situation
  • Any nuisance factory


The sale value of a house is ultimately determined by the market and economic transactions. However, for example, if you’re considering buying a new home, you can estimate the amount you can get for your current home in terms of the new mortgage. The same applies to making a realistic bid on your dream home. This calculator tool provides a quick solution for that.


Safety of your data

This property value check is completely non-binding. We do not share the data you enter into our online tool with other parties. There are no obligations associated with requesting a valuation.


Need more certainty?

Do you need more certainty or support from a real estate agent for a potential purchase or sale? Or would you like us to calculate the value of your home more extensively? Then we’d be happy to come by for a non-binding visit. To take a look at your property, the surroundings, and the maintenance condition together. Contact us, and we’ll schedule an appointment right away for an accurate valuation of your home.

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